AI has unlocked a level of Facebook pandering previously unknown to science.

didn't you hear Today is his birthday!!

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We found it, you guys. We got a piece of AI-generated Facebook slime to rule them all.

As you may have already read or seen about DigitalWild, Meta's flagship platform and formerly known as Facebook is drowning in a rapidly rising tide of AI-generated garbage. Spammers, ever eager to churn and burn through content, have embraced creative AI as a means to cheaply and easily automate virality-seeking imagery. And because this is Facebook, these fake photos tend to focus on themes and motifs that work well with the boomer crowd that populates the platform: babies and toddlers, dogs, Jesus, anything coded America — Flags, bald eagles, police, and so on – and US military and veterans.

Which brings us to our ultimate pandering sludge image, which falls into that last category. Posted on June 29 by an account simply titled “Babies Adorable,” the AI-generated image features a faceless figure in full military garb, a tactical vest and helmet. Significantly, the figure is seated in a wheelchair – a hallmark of many of these spammy fake photos, often depicting particularly disabled veterans – and wearing two metal prosthetic legs. However, these two synthetic drugs inexplicably merge into one. giant, excellent boot. Why? Who's to say! And like many other fake AI veterans being shared on Facebook, the soldier has an empathic claw mark — although, we should note, it's pretty bad.

“Today is my birthday,” reads the character's request. “No one brings me because I'm poor.” (It looks like there was a bad AI attempt to create the “nobody loves me because I'm poor” text.

Just incredible stuff. And overall, this image feels like a stark display of the ways AI spammers are turning Facebook into a parody of itself. After all, it has all the makings of a more traditional, AI-free viral Facebook post: military personnel, Americana conspiracy-coded food, and begging for likes or shares. Lensed by AI, however, the resulting output is distorted and exaggerated — like Facebook, in the age of AI, now just wearing the Facebook costume, massive singlet and all.

We'd also be remiss not to say a few words about this figure's surroundings, which read like a conspiratorial hive Batcave. (A prominent flag in the background also doesn't have 50 stars, but at that point, that's neither here nor there.) And in a somewhat Count Rogan-esque twist, only four gloved fingers of the alleged soldier are visible. are right hand

The account is full of “babies adorable” AI spam ranging from a Ripped Bald Eagle with Arms to an “Innocent” Dad Making Wooden Roses. Very More photos of soldiers and veterans with prostheses. And while many of these images are undeniably funny in their twisted, clownish glory, the comment sections rarely fail to offer a sobering glimpse of the fact that some Facebook scrollers just aren't getting the joke. .

“Thank you for your service,” one Facebooker responded to an AI photo of a “veteran” with a similar bot.

“Please don't vote,” another user wrote back.

More on Facebook and AI: Facebook uses an AI-generated photo of a disabled veteran for page form engagement.

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