AI of the Heart – POLITICO

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Programming Note: We’ll be off this Monday for President’s Day but will be back in your inboxes on Tuesday.

Governments throughout Ponds is investing in artificial intelligence to help people with heart disease.

The NextGen project, a 21-member consortium of leading research institutes, universities and private companies, will seek to use AI to create individualized treatment plans for patients battling heart disease across Europe.

And thanks to the EU’s Horizon Europe program, it now has more than $8 million to work with.

What they are saying: “To develop personalized treatments, we need to gather as much information as possible about individuals, and that’s where NextGen comes in,” Project coordinator Dr. Pim van der Horst said in a press release. “The unique picture we create will form the basis for improving cardiovascular health and fitness.”

Why this is important: Heart disease is a major killer in Europe, responsible for around 1 in 3 deaths in the EU. The figures are similar in the US, where 695,000 Americans will die from heart disease in 2021. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And the economic impact of this condition is in the hundreds of billions of dollars a year.

Soon on the agenda: Develop guardrails to protect privacy while collecting patient data.

This is where we explore the ideas and innovations that are shaping healthcare.

Cases of Lyme disease In the United States, it has since grown by about 70 percent. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention changed its requirements. To report new infections.

Share any thoughts, news, suggestions and feedback with Carmen Pavon. [email protected]on Daniel Payne [email protected]on Ruth Reader [email protected] Or on Erin Schumacher [email protected].

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A New International The organization was launched Thursday at a gathering of world leaders aimed at improving biosecurity laws and developing tools to enforce them.

Stimulus: Threats posed by advances in biotechnology and AI.

International Biosecurity and Biosafety Initiative for Science, I introduced The Munich Security Conference will work to reduce the risk of accidental or intentional misuse of bioscience and biotechnology, organizer Jaime Yassef told Carmen.

Yassif said the organization has raised more than $7 million, which should help it run for the next two to three years, through Effective Giving, Founders’ Pledge and Open Philanthropy.

Why this is important: Advances in biotechnology and AI make it easier for scientists to create organisms. But there may be some dangerous pathogens that do not exist in nature and can potentially cause pandemics.

Game Plan: There is initiative Created software To allow suppliers of synthetic DNA to screen orders and to ensure customers are not selling the building blocks of dangerous pathogens to those who harm them.

The software can evaluate whether an order, for example, is a gene that makes a pathogen more harmful or increases its ability to cause disease, said Piers Millet, the initiative’s executive director. said

“If we don’t know what the risks are, and something bad happens, we will see reactions that can limit the freedom of science,” he said. Installing the guardrails will help preserve and protect scientific research and “the ability to do all the incredible things with biotechnology that we want to see happen.”

Ernst & Young’s first A HealthPulse survey found that advances in health technology are not yet paying off for health systems.

Only 70 percent of the 100 healthcare executives who responded to the consulting firm’s survey said that digital tools for efficiency purposes are not reducing hospitals’ costs.

But health executives are hopeful.

Almost all those surveyed believe the investment is worth the cost. More than half are investing in artificial intelligence, which they believe is poised to transform healthcare. And 9 out of 10 executives are staffing for digital technologies.

Why this is important: Staff shortages and administrative burdens are causing burnout among doctors and nurses. According to KLAS Research. An overwhelming majority of Ernst & Young survey respondents said they believe technological tools are the answer. And they see improvements with less time spent on administrative tasks.

even so: Half of those surveyed said the technology’s upfront cost is difficult to ascertain, which can make it difficult to determine its long-term value.

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