Cloud Computing Predictions 2024: What to Expect from FinOps, AI

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‘Tis the season for analysts, bloggers and everyone else to predict what’s going to happen in the tech world in the coming year. So far, I’ve seen a lot of predictions for cloud computing especially at the center of trends — such as growing demand. AI-friendly cloud infrastructure And Hybrid cloud development – This seems obvious, if a little unimaginative.

In this post, I’d like to offer some alternative fare in the form of cloud predictions for 2024 that you’re less likely to encounter elsewhere. Read on for a look at upcoming cloud computing you may have missed.

1. FinOps will continue to impact the cloud market.

A major focus in the coming year for many organizations using the cloud will be finding ways to use it less—or at least pay less for what they do use.

They will make it up with a hug. FinOps, a practice that aims to reduce cloud costs without compromising cloud performance. FinOps has been a thing for years, but the ongoing economic downturn, along with the widespread realization that cloud doesn’t automatically translate into lower total infrastructure costs, will likely push FinOps into the new year and beyond. Increasing will form an important trend.

2. Demand for AI infrastructure peaks, then declines

AI is on everyone’s mind, and as I mentioned above, many people think AI will have a big impact on the cloud market in 2024 as more businesses look for infrastructure that can handle AI workloads. could

I don’t completely agree, but I do think that the demand for AI-friendly cloud platforms is nearing its peak and may start to decline within the coming year. This is because I don’t believe most organizations are going to deploy their own AI workloads. They will buy AI-as-a-Service solution because they will realize that building and training their own AI models is not worth the effort. And most companies in the business of offering AI services already have the infrastructure they need.

I’m not saying AI won’t have an impact on the cloud market. Resources such as GPU-powered cloud infrastructure Will be important for some businesses. But I am saying that AI is unlikely to be a game changer for cloud computing, and 2024 may be the year when the hype on that front dies down.

3. Custom silicon is heated.

For years, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has offered virtual machine instances that use Custom silicon, meaning special computer chips designed just for AWS. Recently, Microsoft Azure also joined the game Introducing custom chips for AI workloads.. And there is Reason to believe Google Cloud is not far behind.

So far, custom silicon offerings from cloud vendors haven’t garnered much attention, but there’s a good chance that will change in 2024. This could be the year where cloud vendors’ custom silicon solutions become key differentiators for their respective platforms. Custom silicon has the potential to save money, improve sustainability outcomes, and improve the performance of certain types of workloads – all things that businesses care about a lot right now.

4. Disruption in the private cloud market

There are private clouds. Not as hip as they used to be.but they’re important for businesses that can’t or don’t want to put workloads on the public cloud.

Going into 2024, I think the private cloud market is poised for some disruption. Broadcom’s latest Acquisition of VMwareAs the most important vendor in the private cloud realm, it has the potential to cause some anxiety (whether rightly or wrongly) among longtime VMware customers. In general, a broader shift toward cloud-native architecture may prompt more organizations to migrate from platforms like OpenStack to more advanced alternatives like Kubernetes for managing private clouds.


In summary, I expect to focus on cloud cost optimization, lower-than-expected interest in AI cloud platforms, growing demand for custom silicon, and changes in the private cloud world to define cloud computing trends for 2024. i do

The caveat, of course, is that I have no specific knowledge of cloud computing, and my predictions may be completely off base. But sometimes I get things right – I predicted this in 2016. Red Hat will buy CoreOS., and I have the Slack message to prove it! – and I’m hoping this is one of those years.

How will these cloud predictions affect the IT profession this year? Turn the sound down.

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