Forza Motorsport promises improvements to AI, development, and race regulation in the “coming months.”

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With the launch of Forza Motorsport last year – and the initial flurry of patches and fixes behind it -, developer Turn 10 Studios has confirmed that its next steps for the racer will address three key community concerns “over the coming months”. Must be removed.

“As we continue to add cars, tracks, patches and other improvements,” the studio wrote in the first of a series of planned quarterly development updates on its website, “we’re on top of feedback.” Three areas are to be recognized. Not addressed directly.”

Those areas, in particular, are driver AI, car development, and race regulations, and it looks like fixing AI issues — including, according to Turn 10’s update, “sudden braking and deceleration.” “Being; not accelerating out of the exit, braking too hard. Cornering too hard, and following racing lines too hard” – are first on his to-do list.

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“We understand how important it is to have fair and competitive AI in motorsport and our top priority in early 2024 is to address overly aggressive AI,” it explains, “while a cleaner race starts at Turn 1. is where many of the above issues lie. The most obvious and impressive player.”

As for the car’s development changes, these have been described as another “top priority for the team going into 2024”. While Turn 10 insists that “it’s clear from the feedback that… many of our players are enjoying the system just as much”, it admits, “for many others this upgrade is not delivering the experience they expect from Forza Motorsport. Please note, we are looking into changes to the system.”

While the studio doesn’t offer any examples of the kinds of things it’s trying to fix, it says that “the goal with these changes is to see what’s working for those people. who are enjoying it, while solving the problems of our many dedicated players”. However, it appears that these updates are further out, with Turn 10 noting that it “took some time to properly evaluate the options, make the necessary code changes, and thoroughly test those code changes.” Will.”

Last on its list for now, then, is improvements to the Forza Race rules, which the studio admits “are not working as intended in some situations”. His post highlighted complaints including inconsistent or unfair penalties for “intentional collisions, pushing off the track, and spinning cars that cause drivers to derail” — along with sometimes no penalties at all for speeding collisions. While there are light penalties for low speed collisions. says its ultimate goal is to “release tweaks to make [race regulations] More accurate and reliable”.

Again, however, it looks like it may take some time for players to start seeing the results of 10’s hard work. “It’s important that we get all the data we can about a race when the FRR rules are in error,” he explains, “so over the next few months, we’ll be collecting live telemetry. “We will be working with some longtime competitive motorsports athletes to do this. On their behalf while they are playing… We appreciate your patience as we work to improve the system.”

“These and other issues are constantly being worked on, iterated on, and carefully considered,” Turn 10 concluded in its Forza Motorsport update. “How and what we implement and when is driven by a desire to regularly and continuously improve the experience in a way that doesn’t sacrifice stability and minimizes downtime.”

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