Klarna says AI assistants answer 2,000 employee questions every day.

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To color reported that more than 87 percent of its employees Company-wide Now using artificial intelligence in their daily work.

The global payments network and shopping assistant also said its insider AI AssistantKiki, answering 2,000 employee questions daily and has since answered over 250,000 inquiries. was initiated in June, according to a Tuesday (May 14) press release.

We push everyone to test, test, test and discover.CEO and co-founder of Klarna Sebastian Siemiatkowski said in the release. As applications continue to be discovered for Klarna. Open AItechnology, has the potential to take business to new heights.

Kiki, who is now. is in use Helps organize and distribute internal knowledge, according to the release, by 85% of Klarna employees. It generates answers to questions in 5 seconds, Helping employees Find answers and solve problems independently.

In Klarna's communication team, where 93% of employees are. are using Generative AI is technology due to this happenings is used To determine whether articles written about Klarna are positive or negative for the company. It does this objectively and in seconds, the release said.

In the company's legal team, where 86 percent of employees are using The technology is creative AI due to this happenings Used to prepare the first draft of common types of contracts. This The time taken to prepare the contract has been reduced from one hour to 10 minutes.according to the release.

Our goal is While achieving a new level of employee empowerment, enhancing both our team's performance and customer experience,” Siemiatkowski said in the release.

OpenAI, which provided the major language models used to develop Kiki, said in April that Klarna Generative AI Expected To improve the payment network's profitability by $40 million this year.

In another Technology deploymentKlarna's chatbot now accounts for two-thirds of the company's customer service chats. This It has helped customers solve their problems earlier than it used to and employs 700 full-time employees.

Generative AI PYMNTS is promising labor and cost saving applications in every sector, according to the Intelligence Report.Preparing for a generative AI world

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